React Learning 2021
Hello coder……
I learned this from the Navgurukul Campus… give to others what you want to do. I want to tell you something about React.Js
I hope this helps you a lot…

The following image shows the entire react path you can follow to master your react.js from beginner to advance…

Following is what is mentioned in the picture:
- Create React App
- Function Components
- Class Components
- Props and State
- useState and useEffect Hooks
- setState and component lifecycle methods
- Conditional Rendering
- Lists and keys
- Building Simple Forms
Advanced Topics :
- Context
- Higher Order Functions
- Render props
- Refs
- Error Boundaries
- Portals
- HTTP Requests — GET and POST
- Hooks: useContext, useReducer, useRef, useMemo, useCallback, Custom hooks
- State Management — Redux/Mobx, Appolo Client
- Routing — React Router
- Styling — Styled Components/Emotion, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, Material UI, Ant Design
- Forms — Typescript, Storybook, Reacti18Next, Firebase, Practical React Libraries
- Next Steps — Gatsby, Next.js, React Native, Flutter
Just start reading the documentation from scratch from (If you are an intermediate React developer, skip all the already known topics quickly and get your hands dirty at the advanced stuff), give technical interviews about React and you are good to go :
I hope you found this article helpful.
Happy Coding :